Aug 12, 2023 | Announcements, Concerts
Alton Mill Arts Centre, 1402 Queen Street West, Alton, Ontario. Headwaters Arts presented “Tapestry of Art and Music”, a FREE, musically themed, art show & sale fundraising event on Saturday, May 27th, 2023 from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm at the Alton Mill Arts...
May 5, 2023 | Announcements, Concerts
On the day of the concert, Saturday May 6th,tickets will be available at the Westminster Church doorfrom opening time at 1:30 P.M.until the concert starts at 2:00 P.M.Cash only please. SING YOUR SONG — ACHILL CHORAL SOCIETY’S SPRING CONCERT Saturday, May 6, 2:00 to...
Dec 16, 2022 | Announcements, Concerts
Here is the link to the free video of the actual concert! This is the full text of the printed programme.At the end of the programme notesis a link to the page of the ads from our supporting businesses.We thank them, and hope you will...
Aug 4, 2022 | Announcements
Live December Concert! We will have a wonderful live in-person concert for you this coming Saturday December 10th, 2022 at 3:00 P.M. at Westminster United Church on Broadway in Orangeville. Jenny Crober, our Guest Director, will be conducting Achill! Donations...
Jan 9, 2022 | Announcements
Thank you for supporting us this past season as we continued through this pandemic. We hope our message of Comfort & Joy resonated within you, sustaining you and leading you forwardinto what we trust will be a more open and happy future. Donations Please consider...
Nov 6, 2017 | Announcements
We are extremely pleased to announce that Shawn Grenke will continue as our music director for our upcoming 2018-19 season! Shawn took over as our interim director this year and brings with him an amazing amount of musical experience. He is accompanist to several of...