We are a Community Choir with a long and proud history, and we welcome your support. Help us to continue our choral tradition. We enjoy singing for you and we hope your life is brightened by our songs!

Your donation will help towards the rental and purchase of new music, rental of halls and AV equipment, and the salaries of professionals who make our choral performances a reality.

Tax receipts will be issued for amounts of $20 or more. You can donate using the DONATE button below (using VISA or PayPal), or you can donate by mailing a cheque.

Please make cheques payable to Achill Choral Society and mail to:

The Treasurer
Achill Choral Society
34 Blind Line, Orangeville, ON, Canada, L9W 3A5

Achill Choral Society is a Canadian registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Charity number:  118777093RR0001