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Audio-only recording from 2022 December 10th A Winter Day concert at Westminster Church in Orangeville |
Please do not share these pdfs of the music. These are for your personal use until we can get you physical copies of the music that we own.
PRACTICE RECORDINGS (MP3 files for personal practicing)
Mark Hayes’ Hodie Christus Natus Est.
As promised, here is a handy YouTube video with score included. Shawn and Jenny decided to cut some of this work, from p. 21, b. 157 to p. 29, b. 213 (in the YouTube video, from 5′ to 7’35”).
Mark Hayes Hodie Christus Natus Est |
“A Winter Day: Parts 2 and 3” by Sarah Quartel, performed by Jenny Crober’s VOCA Chorus of Toronto
Musicians on this recording: Mvt. 2: Elizabeth Acker, piano, Sybil Shanahan, cello and Sonya Harper Nyby, sop. soloist; Mvt. 3: Sybil, Liz and Steáfán Hannigan, bodhrán.
02 A Winter Day – Winter Dawn 03 A Winter Day – Into Morning |
Hine Ma Tov (from the publisher’s web site; taken at top speed!)
Hine Ma Tov (portion) |
“A Winter Day” from Sarah Quartel’s website
A Winter Day (by Sarah Quartel) Recording by Kantorei Denver – Joel Rinsema, Art. Dir
“A Winter Day” by Sarah Quartel |
w. Thomas Circle Singers, James Kreger, Art. Dir.; Elizabeth Schneider, piano; Stephen Czarkowski, cello
(Rec. live in concert March 2022 in Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC) |
“Blow, blow thou winter wind” by Sarah Quartel |
w. Minnesota State Mankato Concert Choir Aaron Humble, Conductor; Christine Schulz, Piano
“Blow, blow thou winter wind” by Sarah Quartel |
SSA: Lux Mea Choir & Ballaro Dance (Dec. 11, 2021)
w. Kaitlin Simonson, conductor; Dan Meinhardt, piano; Marisa Ballaro, choreography; Hannah Dillenbeck and Hannah Kearney, dancers |
“The Stars are with the Voyager” by Eleanor Daley (TTBB version, performed by VOCA Chorus, directed by Jenny Crober) “The Stars are with the Voyager” by Eleanor Daley (VIDEO of the above TTBB version, performed by VOCA Chorus, directed by Jenny Crober): coming soon …
“The Stars are with the Voyager” by Eleanor Daley Performed by the Saskatoon Chamber Singers in December 2018. James Hawn, Director; Rod Epp, Accompanist (Thanks to Russ McG for finding this excellent performance!) |
The Stars are with the Voyager (Saskatoon Chamber Singers) |
“The Stars are with the Voyager” by Eleanor Daley Performed by the 2011 MENC All-Eastern Honors Chorus under the direction of Constantina Tsolainou in 2011. From Jenny: “I completely agree … that the video (Eleanor) forwarded is very slow (painfully slow, especially at the beginning(!) — but notice that it speeds up soon after the opening, then shifts tempi several times over the course of the recording. … I must admit I like the clarity of this recording, and the phrasing, diction and pitch, amongst other things.“ (Thanks to Bernie for finding this excellent performance via Eleanor Daley!) |
The Stars are with the Voyager (MENC All-Eastern Honors Chorus) |
Christmas Lullaby with John Rutter conducting his choir, the Cambridge Singers, & the City of London Sinfonia (audio only) | Christmas Lullaby |
Carol of the Bells (Dale Warland Singers) One of the classic versions of this piece. We will not go quite this quickly, but the vowel sounds (incl. letting the vowel ring then quickly closing to ”ng” on the bell sounds), phrasing and dynamics are excellent. |
Carol of the Bells (Dale Warland Singers) |